Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    For a given padmet file, check and update compartment.
    1./ Get all compartment with 1st usage
    2./ Remove a compartment with 2nd usage.
    Remove all reactions acting in the given compartment
    3./ change compartment id with 3rd usage

    usage: --padmet=FILE --padmet=FILE --remove=STR [--output=FILE] [-v] --padmet=FILE --old=STR --new=STR [--output=FILE] [-v]
        -h --help     Show help.
        --padmet=FILE    pathname of the padmet file
        --remove=STR    compartment id to remove
        --old=STR    compartment id to change to new id
        --new=STR    new compartment id
        --output=FILE    new padmet pathname, if none, overwritting the original padmet
        -v   print info
from padmet.classes import PadmetSpec
import docopt

__all__ = ["remove_compart", "remplace_compart"]

def main():
    #parsing args
    args = docopt.docopt(__doc__)
    padmet_file = args["--padmet"]
    old_compart = args["--old"]
    new_compart = args["--new"]
    new_padmet = args["--output"]
    to_remove = args["--remove"]
    verbose = args["-v"]
    if new_padmet is None:
        new_padmet = args["--padmet"]
    padmet = PadmetSpec(padmet_file)

    if to_remove:
        padmet = remove_compart(padmet, to_remove, verbose = False)

    elif old_compart and new_compart:
        padmet = remplace_compart(padmet, old_compart, new_compart, verbose)
        print("List of compartments:")

[docs]def remove_compart(padmet, to_remove, verbose = False): """ Remove all reaction associated to a compound in the compartment to remove. Parameters ---------- padmet: padmet.classes.PadmetSpec padmet to udpate to_remove: str compartment id to remove, if many separate compartment id by ',' verbose: bool if True print information Returns ------- padmet.classes.PadmetSpec: New padmet after removing compartment(s) """ if "," in to_remove: to_remove = to_remove.split(",") else: to_remove = [to_remove] for compart in to_remove: if verbose: print("removing reaction(s) in compartment %s" %compart) padmet.delCompart(compart, verbose) return padmet
[docs]def remplace_compart(padmet, old_compart, new_compart, verbose = False): """ Remplace compartment 'old_compart' by 'new_compart'. Parameters ---------- padmet: padmet.classes.PadmetSpec padmet to udpate old_comaprt: str compartment id to remplace new_compart: str new compartment id verbose: bool if True print information Returns ------- padmet.classes.PadmetSpec: New padmet after remplacing compartment """ if verbose: print("Converting compartment %s to %s" %(old_compart, new_compart)) padmet.change_compart(old_compart, new_compart, verbose) return padmet
if __name__ == "__main__": main()