Source code for padmet_utils.exploration.convert_sbml_db

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    This tool is use the MetaNetX database to check or convert a sbml. Flat files
    from MetaNetx are required to run this tool. They can be found in the aureme workflow
    or from the MetaNetx website.
    To use the tool set:
        mnx_folder= the path to a folder containing MetaNetx flat files.
        the files must be named as 'reac_xref.tsv' and 'chem_xref.tsv'
        or set manually the different path of the flat files with:
            mnx_reac= path to the flat file for reactions
            mnx_chem= path to the flat file for chemical compounds (species)

    To check the database used in a sbml:
        to check all element of sbml (reaction and species) set:
        to check only reaction of sbml set:
        to check only species of sbml set:

    To map a sbml and obtain a file of mapping ids to a given database set:
            as previously explained
            the name of the database target: ['metacyc', 'bigg', 'kegg'] only
            the path to the output file
        For a given sbml using a specific database.
        Return a dictionnary of mapping.
        the output is a file with line = reaction_id/or species in sbml, reaction_id/species in db_out database
            For a sbml based on kegg database, db_out=metacyc: the output file will contains for ex:
    usage: --mnx_reac=FILE --mnx_chem=FILE --sbml=FILE --to-map=STR [-v] --mnx_folder=DIR --sbml=FILE --to-map=STR [-v] --mnx_folder=DIR --sbml=FILE --output=FILE --db_out=ID --to-map=STR [-v] --mnx_reac=FILE --mnx_chem=FILE --sbml=FILE --output=FILE --db_out=ID --to-map=STR [-v]
        -h --help     Show help.
        --to-map=STR     select the part of the sbml to check or convert, must be in ['all', 'reaction', 'species']
        --mnx_reac=FILE     path to the MetaNetX file for reactions
        --mnx_chem=FILE     path to the MetaNetX file for compounds
        --sbml=FILE     path to the sbml file to convert
        --output=FILE     path to the file containing the mapping, sep = "\t"
        --db_out=FILE     id of the output database in ["BIGG","METACYC","KEGG"]
        -v     verbose.

import libsbml
from padmet.utils.sbmlPlugin import get_all_decoded_version
import docopt
import os

[docs]def main(): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__) verbose = args["-v"] to_map = args["--to-map"] mnx_folder = args["--mnx_folder"] mnx_reac_file = args["--mnx_reac"] mnx_chem_file = args["--mnx_chem"] sbml_file = args["--sbml"] if args["--db_out"]: db_out = args["--db_out"].upper() output = args["--output"] map_sbml(sbml_file, to_map, db_out, output, verbose, mnx_reac_file, mnx_chem_file, mnx_folder) else: db_select, db_found = check_sbml_db(sbml_file, to_map, verbose, mnx_reac_file, mnx_chem_file, mnx_folder) print("Best matching database: %s" %db_select) print(db_found)
[docs]def check_sbml_db(sbml_file, to_map, verbose = False, mnx_reac_file = None, mnx_chem_file = None, mnx_folder = None): """ Check sbml database of a given sbml. Parameters ---------- sbml_file: str path to the sbml file to convert to_map: str select the part of the sbml to check must be in ['all', 'reaction', 'species'] verbose: bool if true: more info during process mnx_reac_file: str path to the flat file for reactions (can be None if given mnx_folder) mnx_chem_file: str path to the flat file for chemical compounds (species) (can be None if given mnx_folder) mnx_folder: str the path to a folder containing MetaNetx flat files Returns ------- tuple: (name of the best matching database, dict of matching) """ if to_map not in ["all", "reaction", "species"]: raise ValueError("%s must be in [all, reaction, species]" %to_map) if mnx_folder: mnx_reac_file = os.path.join(mnx_folder, "reac_xref.tsv") mnx_chem_file = os.path.join(mnx_folder, "chem_xref.tsv") reader = libsbml.SBMLReader() document = reader.readSBML(sbml_file) for i in range(document.getNumErrors()): print(document.getError(i).getMessage()) model = document.getModel() listOfReactions = model.getListOfReactions() listOfSpecies = model.getListOfSpecies() unknown_db = "Unknown" db_found = {unknown_db: 0} if to_map == "all": db_found["total_reaction_species"] = 0 if verbose: print("Check from which database is this sbml:") if to_map in ["all", "reaction"]: db_found['total_reaction'] = 0 with open(mnx_reac_file, "r") as f: dict_reaction_id_db = dict([(line.split("\t")[0].split(":")[1], line.split("\t")[0].split(":")[0]) for line in if not line.startswith("#") and ":" in line.split("\t")[0]]) for reaction in listOfReactions: reaction_id = db_found['total_reaction'] += 1 if to_map == "all": db_found["total_reaction_species"] += 1 all_reaction_id_decoded = get_all_decoded_version(reaction_id, "reaction") for reaction_id_decoded in all_reaction_id_decoded: db_match = dict_reaction_id_db.get(reaction_id_decoded, unknown_db) if db_match != unknown_db: break if verbose: if db_match != unknown_db: print("reaction: original id: %s; decoded id:%s; db_match:%s" %(reaction_id, reaction_id_decoded, db_match)) else: print("reaction: original id:%s; all decoded id:%s; no db found" %(reaction_id, all_reaction_id_decoded)) try: db_found[db_match] += 1 except KeyError: db_found[db_match] = 1 if to_map in ["all", "species"]: db_found["total_species"] = 0 with open(mnx_chem_file, "r") as f: dict_species_id_db = dict([(line.split("\t")[0].split(":")[1], line.split("\t")[0].split(":")[0]) for line in if not line.startswith("#") and ":" in line.split("\t")[0]]) for species in listOfSpecies: species_id = db_found['total_species'] += 1 if to_map == "all": db_found["total_reaction_species"] += 1 all_species_id_decoded = get_all_decoded_version(species_id, "species") for species_id_decoded in all_species_id_decoded: db_match = dict_species_id_db.get(species_id_decoded, unknown_db) if db_match != unknown_db: break if verbose: if db_match != unknown_db: print("species: original id: %s; decoded id:%s; db_match:%s" %(species_id, species_id_decoded, db_match)) else: print("species: original id:%s; all decoded id:%s; no db found" %(species_id, all_species_id_decoded)) try: db_found[db_match] += 1 except KeyError: db_found[db_match] = 1 if to_map == "all": db_select = [k for k, v in list(db_found.items()) if v == max([j for i,j in list(db_found.items()) if i != 'total_reaction_species'])][0] elif to_map == "reaction": db_select = [k for k, v in list(db_found.items()) if v == max([j for i,j in list(db_found.items()) if i != 'total_reaction'])][0] elif to_map == "species": db_select = [k for k, v in list(db_found.items()) if v == max([j for i,j in list(db_found.items()) if i != 'total_species'])][0] return (db_select, db_found)
[docs]def map_sbml(sbml_file, to_map, db_out, output, verbose = False, mnx_reac_file = None, mnx_chem_file = None, mnx_folder = None): """ map a sbml and obtain a file of mapping ids to a given database. Parameters ---------- sbml_file: str path to the sbml file to convert to_map: str select the part of the sbml to check must be in ['all', 'reaction', 'species'] db_out: str the name of the database target: ['metacyc', 'bigg', 'kegg'] only output: str path to the file containing the mapping, sep = "\t" verbose: bool if true: more info during process mnx_reac_file: str path to the flat file for reactions (can be None if given mnx_folder) mnx_chem_file: str path to the flat file for chemical compounds (species) (can be None if given mnx_folder) mnx_folder: str the path to a folder containing MetaNetx flat files Returns ------- tuple: (name of the best matching database, dict of matching) """ map_from_cpd = False if to_map not in ["all", "reaction", "species"]: raise ValueError("%s must be in [all, reaction, species]" %to_map) if mnx_folder: mnx_reac_file = os.path.join(mnx_folder, "reac_xref.tsv") mnx_chem_file = os.path.join(mnx_folder, "chem_xref.tsv") reader = libsbml.SBMLReader() document = reader.readSBML(sbml_file) for i in range(document.getNumErrors()): print(document.getError(i).getMessage()) model = document.getModel() listOfReactions = model.getListOfReactions() listOfSpecies = model.getListOfSpecies() if db_out not in ["BIGG","METACYC","KEGG"]: raise ValueError('Please choose a database id in ["BIGG","METACYC","KEGG"]') #k: orignial id, v = ref id dict_sbml_id_mapped_id = {} if to_map in ["all", "reaction"]: #For reactions: k = MNXid, v = {k=db_id,v=[list of ids]} mnx_reac_dict = mnx_reader(mnx_reac_file, db_out) reaction_with_more_one_mapping = 0 count_nb_stric_reac_mapped = 0 for reaction in listOfReactions: reaction_id = match_ids = None all_reaction_id_decoded = get_all_decoded_version(reaction_id, "reaction") for reaction_id_decoded in all_reaction_id_decoded: if not match_ids: #first check in intern dict mapping match_ids = intern_mapping(reaction_id_decoded, db_out, "reaction") if match_ids: dict_sbml_id_mapped_id[reaction_id] = match_ids count_nb_stric_reac_mapped += 1 if verbose: print("reaction: original id:%s; decoded id:%s; match_with:%s from intern mapping" %(reaction_id, reaction_id_decoded, match_ids)) #check if in mnx_reac_dict else: match_ids = get_from_mnx(mnx_reac_dict, reaction_id_decoded, db_out) if match_ids: if len(match_ids) > 1: reaction_with_more_one_mapping += 1 if verbose: print("reaction: original id:%s; decoded id:%s; More than one mapping:%s" %(reaction_id, reaction_id_decoded, match_ids)) else: dict_sbml_id_mapped_id[reaction_id] = match_ids[0] count_nb_stric_reac_mapped += 1 if verbose: print("reaction: original id:%s; decoded id:%s; match_with:%s from MNX mapping" %(reaction_id, reaction_id_decoded, match_ids[0])) if verbose and not match_ids: print("reaction: original id:%s; all decoded id:%s; not mapped" %(reaction_id, all_reaction_id_decoded)) if to_map in ["all", "species"]: #For species: k = MNXid, v = {k=db_id,v=[list of ids]} mnx_chem_dict = mnx_reader(mnx_chem_file, db_out) species_with_more_one_mapping = 0 count_nb_stric_species_mapped = 0 for species in listOfSpecies: species_id = match_ids = None all_species_id_decoded = get_all_decoded_version(species_id, "species") for species_id_decoded in all_species_id_decoded: #first check in intern dict mapping match_ids = intern_mapping(species_id_decoded, db_out, "species") if match_ids: dict_sbml_id_mapped_id[species_id] = match_ids count_nb_stric_species_mapped += 1 if verbose: print("species: original id:%s; decoded id:%s; match_with:%s from intern mapping" %(species_id, species_id_decoded, match_ids)) break #check if in mnx_chem_dict else: match_ids = get_from_mnx(mnx_chem_dict, species_id_decoded, db_out) if match_ids: if len(match_ids) > 1: species_with_more_one_mapping += 1 if verbose: print("species: original id:%s; decoded id:%s; More than one mapping:%s" %(species_id, species_id_decoded, match_ids)) else: dict_sbml_id_mapped_id[species_id] = match_ids[0] count_nb_stric_species_mapped += 1 if verbose: print("species: original id:%s; decoded id:%s; match_with:%s from MNX mapping" %(species_id, species_id_decoded, match_ids)) if verbose and not match_ids: print("species: original id:%s; all decoded id:%s; not mapped" %(species_id, all_species_id_decoded)) if map_from_cpd: reaction_mapped_with_cpds = [] #for all non mapped rxn, check if able to map all speices for sbml_rxn in [i for i in listOfReactions if not in list(dict_sbml_id_mapped_id.keys())]: all_cpds = set([r.getSpecies() for r in sbml_rxn.getListOfReactants()] + [r.getSpecies() for r in sbml_rxn.getListOfProducts()]) match_cpd_in_rxn = set([cpd_id for cpd_id in all_cpds if cpd_id in list(dict_sbml_id_mapped_id.keys())]) if len(match_cpd_in_rxn) == len(all_cpds): reaction_mapped_with_cpds.append( if verbose: print("#######") if to_map in ["all", "reaction"]: print("Mapped reactions: %s/%s" %(count_nb_stric_reac_mapped,len(listOfReactions))) print("Reactions with more than one mapping: %s" %reaction_with_more_one_mapping) if to_map in ["all", "species"]: print("Mapped species: %s/%s" %(count_nb_stric_species_mapped,len(listOfSpecies))) print("Species with more than one mapping: %s" %species_with_more_one_mapping) if map_from_cpd: print("Mapped reactions from species: %s" %(len(reaction_mapped_with_cpds))) for i in reaction_mapped_with_cpds: print("\t%s" %i) print("Total reactions mapped:%s/%s" %(count_nb_stric_reac_mapped+len(reaction_mapped_with_cpds),len(listOfReactions))) print("#######") with open(output, 'w') as f: for k,v in list(dict_sbml_id_mapped_id.items()): f.write(k+"\t"+v+"\n")
[docs]def get_from_mnx(mnx_dict, element_id, db_out): """ """ match_ids = None for map_dict in list(mnx_dict.values()): #print(map_dict) all_element_id = [] [all_element_id.extend(i) for i in list(map_dict.values())] if element_id in all_element_id: match_ids = map_dict[db_out] break return match_ids
[docs]def mnx_reader(input_file, db_out): """ """ with open(input_file, "r") as f: dataInArray = [line.split("\t")[:2] for line in if not line.startswith("#")] #print list_data[:10] mnx_dict = dict() all_mnxs = set([k for v,k in dataInArray]) mnx_dict = dict([(k, dict()) for k in all_mnxs]) #print a[:10] #print mnx_dict.items()[:10] for v,k in dataInArray: try: db, _id = v.split(":") except ValueError: db = v.split(":")[0] _id = ":".join(v.split(":")[1:]) db = db.upper() try: mnx_dict[k][db].append(_id) except KeyError: mnx_dict[k][db] = [_id] #clean ids not in db_out for k,v in list(mnx_dict.items()): if db_out not in list(v.keys()) or len(list(v.keys())) == 1: mnx_dict.pop(k) """ for v in mnx_dict.values(): try: rxn_db_out = v[db_out] all_mapp_rxn = [] [all_mapp_rxn.extend(i) for i in v.values()] """ return mnx_dict
[docs]def intern_mapping(id_to_map, db_out, _type): """ """ intern_reac_dict = { "UNIQ_ID_1":{"METACYC":["RXN-6382"],"KEGG":["R00904"],"UNKNOWN":["APor"]}, "UNIQ_ID_2":{"METACYC":["CARNOSINE-SYNTHASE-RXN"],"UNKNOWN":["HAL"]}, "UNIQ_ID_3":{"METACYC":["ALANINE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN"],"KEGG":["R00258"]}, "UNIQ_ID_4":{"METACYC":["ASPAMINOTRANS-RXN"],"KEGG":["R00355"],"BIGG":["ASPATh"]}, "UNIQ_ID_5":{"METACYC":["PHEAMINOTRANS-RXN"],"KEGG":["R00694"],"BIGG":["POAT","POATh","POATm"]}, "UNIQ_ID_6":{"METACYC":["ORNCARBAMTRANSFER-RXN"],"KEGG":["R01398"],"BIGG":["OCT","OCTh","OCTm"]}, "UNIQ_ID_7":{"METACYC":["3PGAREARR-RXN"],"KEGG":["R01518"],"BIGG":["PGM","PGMf","PGMm"]}, "UNIQ_ID_8":{"METACYC":["6PGLUCONDEHYDROG-RXN"],"KEGG":["R01528"],"BIGG":["PGDHh"]}, "UNIQ_ID_9":{"METACYC":["4-HYDROXY-2-KETOPIMELATE-LYSIS-RXN"],"KEGG":["R01645"]}, "UNIQ_ID_10":{"METACYC":["AMINEPHEN-RXN"],"KEGG":["R02613"]}, "UNIQ_ID_11":{"METACYC":["SHIKIMATE-5-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN"],"KEGG":["R02413"]}, "UNIQ_ID_12":{"METACYC":["CARBODEHYDRAT-RXN"],"BIGG":["HCO3E","HCO3Em","HCO3Ehi"]} } intern_chem_dict = { "UNIQ_ID_1":{"METACYC":["WATER"],"KEGG":["C00001"],"BIGG":["h2o"],"UNKNOWN":["H2O"]}, "UNIQ_ID_2":{"METACYC":["2-KETOGLUTARATE"],"BIGG":["akg"],"KEGG":["C00026"]}, "UNIQ_ID_3":{"METACYC":["Pi"],"BIGG":["pi"],"KEGG":["C00009"]}, "UNIQ_ID_4":{"METACYC":["OXALACETIC_ACID"],"BIGG":["oaa"],"KEGG":["C00036"]}, "UNIQ_ID_5":{"METACYC":["HS"],"BIGG":["h2s"]}, "UNIQ_ID_6":{"METACYC":["NITRATE"],"BIGG":["no3"]}, "UNIQ_ID_7":{"METACYC":["HEME_O"],"BIGG":["heme0"]}, "UNIQ_ID_8":{"METACYC":["FORMATE"],"BIGG":["for"]}, "UNIQ_ID_9":{"METACYC":["GLN-tRNAs"],"BIGG":["trnagln"]}, "UNIQ_ID_10":{"METACYC":["CO-A"],"BIGG":["coa"]}, "UNIQ_ID_11":{"METACYC":["ADENOSINE"],"BIGG":["adn"]}, "UNIQ_ID_12":{"METACYC":["ADENINE"],"BIGG":["ade"]}, "UNIQ_ID_13":{"METACYC":["CYTIDINE"],"BIGG":["cytd"]}, "UNIQ_ID_14":{"METACYC":["CYTIDINE"],"BIGG":["dtdp"]}, "UNIQ_ID_15":{"METACYC":["DIHYDRO-NEO-PTERIN"],"BIGG":["dhnpt"]}, "UNIQ_ID_16":{"METACYC":["SUCROSE-6P"],"BIGG":["suc6p"]}, "UNIQ_ID_17":{"METACYC":["ALKYL-SN-GLYCERO-PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINE"],"BIGG":["g3pe"]}, "UNIQ_ID_18":{"METACYC":["Retinols"],"BIGG":["retinol"]}, "UNIQ_ID_19":{"METACYC":["PHENYL-PYRUVATE"],"BIGG":["phpyr"]}, "UNIQ_ID_20":{"METACYC":["CPD-6082"],"BIGG":["bamppald"]}, "UNIQ_ID_21":{"METACYC":["S-3-HYDROXYBUTANOYL-COA"],"BIGG":["3hbcoa"]}, "UNIQ_ID_22":{"METACYC":["Thiopurines"],"BIGG":["6mpur"]}, "UNIQ_ID_23":{"METACYC":["N-ACETYL-D-GLUCOSAMINE-6-P"],"BIGG":["acgam6p"]}, "UNIQ_ID_24":{"METACYC":["CHLOROPHYLL-B"],"BIGG":["chlb"]}, "UNIQ_ID_25":{"METACYC":["FORMALDEHYDE"],"BIGG":["fald"]}, "UNIQ_ID_26":{"METACYC":["GLC-1-P"],"BIGG":["g1p"]}, "UNIQ_ID_27":{"METACYC":["NA+"],"BIGG":["na1"]}, "UNIQ_ID_28":{"METACYC":["ADP"],"KEGG":["C00008"]}, "UNIQ_ID_29":{"METACYC":["L-DELTA1-PYRROLINE_5-CARBOXYLATE"],"KEGG":["C03912"]}, "UNIQ_ID_30":{"METACYC":["AMMONIA"],"KEGG":["C00014"]}, "UNIQ_ID_31":{"METACYC":["PPI"],"KEGG":["C00013"]}, "UNIQ_ID_32":{"METACYC":["NADP"],"KEGG":["C00006"]}, "UNIQ_ID_33":{"METACYC":["NADPH"],"KEGG":["C00005"]}, "UNIQ_ID_34":{"METACYC":["GLY"],"UNKNOWN":["Glycine"]}, "UNIQ_ID_35":{"METACYC":["METOH"],"UNKNOWN":["Methanol"]}, "UNIQ_ID_36":{"METACYC":["PPI"],"UNKNOWN":["Pyrophosphate"]}, } if _type == "reaction": for mapp_dict in list(intern_reac_dict.values()): all_reaction_id = [] [all_reaction_id.extend(i) for i in list(mapp_dict.values())] if id_to_map in all_reaction_id: return mapp_dict.get(db_out, [None])[0] elif _type == "species": for mapp_dict in list(intern_chem_dict.values()): all_species_id = [] [all_species_id.extend(i) for i in list(mapp_dict.values())] if id_to_map in all_species_id: return mapp_dict.get(db_out, [None])[0] return None
if __name__ == "__main__": main()