Source code for padmet_utils.exploration.compare_sbml_padmet

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    compare reactions in sbml and padmet file

    usage: --padmet=FILE --sbml=FILE
        -h --help    Show help.
        --padmet=FILE    path of the padmet file
        --sbml=FILE    path of the sbml file
from padmet.classes import PadmetSpec
import padmet.utils.sbmlPlugin as sp
import libsbml
import docopt

[docs]def main(): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__) sbml_file = args["--sbml"] reader = libsbml.SBMLReader() sbml_document = reader.readSBML(sbml_file) for i in range(sbml_document.getNumErrors()): print(sbml_document.getError(i).getMessage()) padmet = PadmetSpec(args["--padmet"]) compare_sbml_padmet(sbml_document, padmet)
[docs]def compare_sbml_padmet(sbml_document, padmet): """ compare reactions ids in sbml vs padmet, return nb of reactions in both and reactions id not in sbml or not in padmet Parameters ---------- padmet: padmet.classes.PadmetSpec padmet to udpate sbml_file: libsbml.document sbml document """ sbml_model = sbml_document.getModel() sbml_listOfReactions = set([sp.convert_from_coded_id(r.getId())[0] for r in sbml_model.getListOfReactions()]) padmet_reaction = set([ for node in padmet.dicOfNode.values() if node.type == "reaction"]) diff = sbml_listOfReactions.difference(padmet_reaction) diff_inv = padmet_reaction.difference(sbml_listOfReactions) print("%s reaction in sbml" %len(sbml_listOfReactions)) print("%s reaction in padmet" %len(padmet_reaction)) print("%s reaction in sbml not in padmet" %len(diff)) for i in diff: print("\t%s" %i) print("%s reaction in padmet not in sbml" %len(diff_inv)) for i in diff_inv: print("\t%s" %i)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()