Source code for padmet_utils.exploration.compare_padmet

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    #Compare 1-n padmet and create a folder output with files:
        fieldnames = [gene, padmet_a, padmet_b, padmet_a_rxn_assoc, padmet_b_rxn_assoc]
        line = [gene-a, 'present' (if in padmet_a), 'present' (if in padmet_b), rxn-1;rxn-2 (names of reactions associated to gene-a in padmet_a), rxn-2]
        fieldnames = [reaction, padmet_a, padmet_b, padmet_a_genes_assoc, padmet_b_genes_assoc, padmet_a_formula, padmet_b_formula]
        line = [rxn-1, 'present' (if in padmet_a), 'present' (if in padmet_b), 'gene-a;gene-b; gene-a, 'cpd-1 + cpd-2 => cpd-3', 'cpd-1 + cpd-2 => cpd-3']
        fieldnames = [pathway, padmet_a_completion_rate, padmet_b_completion_rate, padmet_a_rxn_assoc, padmet_b_rxn_assoc]
        line = [pwy-a, 0.80, 0.30, rxn-a;rxn-b; rxn-a]
        fieldnames = ['metabolite', padmet_a_rxn_consume, padmet_a_rxn_produce, padmet_b_rxn_consume, padmet_rxn_produce]
        line = [cpd-1, rxn-1,'',rxn-1,'']

    usage: --padmet=FILES/DIR --output=DIR [--padmetRef=FILE] [-v]
        -h --help    Show help.
        --padmet=FILES/DIR    pathname of the padmet files, sep all files by ',', ex: /path/padmet1.padmet;/path/padmet2.padmet OR a folder
        --output=DIR    pathname of the output folder
        --padmetRef=FILE    pathanme of the database ref in padmet
from padmet.classes import PadmetSpec, PadmetRef
import os
import docopt
import csv

[docs]def main(): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__) output = args["--output"] verbose = args["-v"] if args["--padmetRef"]: padmetRef = PadmetRef(args["--padmetRef"]) else: padmetRef = None padmet_path = args["--padmet"] compare_padmet(padmet_path, output, padmetRef, verbose)
[docs]def compare_padmet(padmet_path, output, padmetRef = None, verbose = False): """ #Compare 1-n padmet and create a folder output with files: genes.csv: fieldnames = [gene, padmet_a, padmet_b, padmet_a_rxn_assoc, padmet_b_rxn_assoc] line = [gene-a, 'present' (if in padmet_a), 'present' (if in padmet_b), rxn-1;rxn-2 (names of reactions associated to gene-a in padmet_a), rxn-2] reactions.csv: fieldnames = [reaction, padmet_a, padmet_b, padmet_a_genes_assoc, padmet_b_genes_assoc, padmet_a_formula, padmet_b_formula] line = [rxn-1, 'present' (if in padmet_a), 'present' (if in padmet_b), 'gene-a;gene-b; gene-a, 'cpd-1 + cpd-2 => cpd-3', 'cpd-1 + cpd-2 => cpd-3'] pathways.csv: fieldnames = [pathway, padmet_a_completion_rate, padmet_b_completion_rate, padmet_a_rxn_assoc, padmet_b_rxn_assoc] line = [pwy-a, 0.80, 0.30, rxn-a;rxn-b; rxn-a] compounds.csv: fieldnames = ['metabolite', padmet_a_rxn_consume, padmet_a_rxn_produce, padmet_b_rxn_consume, padmet_rxn_produce] line = [cpd-1, rxn-1,'',rxn-1,''] Parameters ---------- padmet_path: str pathname of the padmet files, sep all files by ',', ex: /path/padmet1.padmet;/path/padmet2.padmet OR a folder output: str pathname of the output folder padmetRef: padmet.classes.PadmetRef padmet containing the database of reference, need to calculat pathway completion rate verbose: bool if True print information """ if not os.path.exists(output): if verbose: print("Creating %s" %output) os.makedirs(output) else: if verbose: print("%s already exist, old comparison output folders will be overwritten" %output) if os.path.isdir(padmet_path): all_files = [os.path.join(padmet_path, f) for f in next(os.walk(padmet_path))[2]] else: all_files = padmet_path.split(",") if len(all_files) < 2: raise ValueError("You must specify at least 2 files in order to make a comparison") if verbose: print(("%s padmet files to compare:" %len(all_files))) for f in all_files: print("\t%s" %os.path.basename(f)) count_elem, dict_genes, dict_rxns, dict_pwys, dict_cpds = {}, {}, {}, {}, {} #cout_elem: k = basename_file, v = dict(k' in [gene,rxn,pwy,metabolite], v = count element) #ex: count_elemn = {'file_1':{'genes':1500,'rxn':1000,pathways:1000,'metabolites':1000}} #dict_genes: k = gene_id, v = dict(k' = basename_file, v = set of rxn assoc) #ex: dict_genes = {'gene_a': {'file_1': set([rxn_1,rxn_2])}} #dict_rxns: k = rxn_id, v = dict(k' = basename_file, v' = dict(k'' in ['genes_assoc','formula']) #ex: dict_rxns = {'rxn_a': {'file_1': {'genes_assoc': set([gene_a,gene_b]), 'formula':'1x + 2y => 3z', 'source_categories':'', source_tools, sources:''}} #dict_pwys: k = pwy_id, , v = dict(k' = basename_file, v' = dict(k'' in ['ratio','rxn_assoc']) #ex: dict_pwys = {'pwy_a': {'file_1': {'ratio': 2/9, 'rxn_assoc':'rxn_a;rxn_b'}}} #dict_cpds for file_path in all_files: padmet = PadmetSpec(file_path) basename_file = os.path.basename(file_path).replace(".padmet","") if verbose: print("reading %s" %basename_file) count_elem[basename_file] = {"genes":0,"reactions":0,"pathways":0,"metabolites":0} #genes all_genes = set([ for node in list(padmet.dicOfNode.values()) if node.type == "gene"]) count_elem[basename_file]["genes"] = len(all_genes) if verbose: print("\t%s genes..." %len(all_genes)) for gene_id in all_genes: #get for each gene, the reactiosn associated to and add in dict_gene: dict_gene[gene_id] = {padmet_file_name: set of rxn assoc} rxn_assoc = set([rlt.id_in for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationOut.get(gene_id,[]) if rlt.type == "is_linked_to"]) try: dict_genes[gene_id][basename_file] = ";".join(rxn_assoc) except KeyError: dict_genes[gene_id] = {basename_file: ";".join(rxn_assoc)} #reactions all_rxns = set([ for node in list(padmet.dicOfNode.values()) if node.type == "reaction"]) count_elem[basename_file]["reactions"] = len(all_rxns) if verbose: print("\t%s reactions..." %len(all_rxns)) for rxn_id in all_rxns: try: dict_rxns[rxn_id][basename_file] = {"genes_associated":"", "formula":""} except KeyError: dict_rxns[rxn_id] = {basename_file: {"genes_associated":"", "formula":""}} #get for each rxn, genes associated to and add in dict_rxn: dict_rxns[rxn_id] = {padmet_file_name: {'genes_associations':set of rxn assoc}} genes_assoc = set([rlt.id_out for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationIn.get(rxn_id,[]) if rlt.type == "is_linked_to"]) dict_rxns[rxn_id][basename_file]["genes_associated"] = ";".join(genes_assoc) #create formula direction = padmet.dicOfNode[rxn_id].misc["DIRECTION"][0] if direction == "UNKNOWN": direction = " =>/<=> " elif direction == "REVERSIBLE": direction = " <=> " elif direction == "LEFT-TO-RIGHT": direction = " => " #reactants and products: list of str: ['stoichio [[cpd_id]][cpd_compart]',...] reactants = [rlt.misc["STOICHIOMETRY"][0]+" "+rlt.id_out+"["+rlt.misc["COMPARTMENT"][0]+"]" for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationIn.get(rxn_id, None) if rlt.type == "consumes"] products = [rlt.misc["STOICHIOMETRY"][0]+" "+rlt.id_out+"["+rlt.misc["COMPARTMENT"][0]+"]" for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationIn.get(rxn_id, None) if rlt.type == "produces"] #join each list with '+' and direction in center formula = " + ".join(reactants)+direction+" + ".join(products) dict_rxns[rxn_id][basename_file]["formula"] = formula #pathways all_pwys = set() for rxn_id in all_rxns: pwy_in = set([rlt.id_out for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationIn[rxn_id] if rlt.type == "is_in_pathway"]) all_pwys.update(pwy_in) count_elem[basename_file]["pathways"] = len(all_pwys) if verbose: print("\t%s pathways..." %len(all_pwys)) for pwy_id in all_pwys: #get for each pwy, the reactions associated to and add in dict_gene: dict_gene[gene_id] = {padmet_file_name: set of rxn assoc} try: dict_pwys[pwy_id][basename_file] = {"ratio":"", "rxn_associated":""} except KeyError: dict_pwys[pwy_id] = {basename_file: {"ratio":"", "rxn_associated":""}} in_rxns = set([rlt.id_in for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationOut.get(pwy_id,[]) if rlt.type == "is_in_pathway"]) if padmetRef: all_rxns = set([rlt.id_in for rlt in padmetRef.dicOfRelationOut.get(pwy_id,[]) if rlt.type == "is_in_pathway"]) dict_pwys[pwy_id][basename_file]["ratio"] = str(len(in_rxns))+"/"+str(len(all_rxns)) else: dict_pwys[pwy_id][basename_file]["ratio"] = "NA" dict_pwys[pwy_id][basename_file]["rxn_associated"] = ";".join(in_rxns) #metabolites all_cpd = set([rlt.id_out for rlt in padmet.getAllRelation() if rlt.type in ["consumes","produces"]]) count_elem[basename_file]["metabolites"] = len(all_cpd) if verbose: print("\t%s metabolites..." %len(all_cpd)) for cpd_id in all_cpd: #get for each cpd, the reactions consuming/producing the cpd rxn_consume = set([rlt.id_in for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationOut[cpd_id] if rlt.type == "consumes"]) if rxn_consume: rxn_consume = ";".join(rxn_consume) else: rxn_consume = "" rxn_produce = set([rlt.id_in for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationOut[cpd_id] if rlt.type == "produces"]) if rxn_produce: rxn_produce = ";".join(rxn_produce) else: rxn_produce = "" try: dict_cpds[cpd_id][basename_file] = {"rxn_consume":rxn_consume, "rxn_produce":rxn_produce} except KeyError: dict_cpds[cpd_id] = {basename_file: {"rxn_consume":rxn_consume, "rxn_produce":rxn_produce}} #create files all_basename_files = [os.path.basename(file_path).replace(".padmet","") for file_path in all_files] #genes #gene file header: gene_id, base_file_1, base_file_n, base_file_1_rxn_assoc (sep=;), base_file_n_rxn_assoc (sep=;) genes_file = os.path.join(output,"genes.csv") if verbose: print("creating %s" %genes_file) with open(genes_file, 'w') as csvfile: fieldnames = ['gene'] + all_basename_files + [i+"_rxn_assoc (sep=;)" for i in all_basename_files] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter='\t') writer.writeheader() for gene_id, dic_basename_rxn_assoc in list(dict_genes.items()): dict_row = {'gene': gene_id} for basename_file, rxn_assoc in list(dic_basename_rxn_assoc.items()): dict_row.update({basename_file : 'present', basename_file+"_rxn_assoc (sep=;)": rxn_assoc}) writer.writerow(dict_row) #reactions #reactions file header: rxn_id, base_file_1, base_file_n, base_file_1_genes_assoc (sep=;), base_file_n_genes_assoc (sep=;), base_file_1_formula, base_file_n_formula rxns_file = os.path.join(output,"reactions.csv") if verbose: print("creating %s" %rxns_file) with open(rxns_file, 'w') as csvfile: fieldnames = ['reaction'] + all_basename_files + [i+"_genes_assoc (sep=;)" for i in all_basename_files] + [i+"_formula" for i in all_basename_files] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter='\t') writer.writeheader() for rxn_id, dict_basename_data in list(dict_rxns.items()): dict_row = {'reaction': rxn_id} for basename_file, rxn_data in list(dict_basename_data.items()): dict_row.update({basename_file : 'present', basename_file+"_genes_assoc (sep=;)": rxn_data["genes_associated"], basename_file+"_formula": rxn_data["formula"]}) writer.writerow(dict_row) #pathways #pathways file header: pwy, base_file_1_rate, base_file_n_rate, base_file_1_rxn_assoc (sep=;), base_file_n_rxn_assoc (sep=;) pwys_file = os.path.join(output,"pathways.csv") if verbose: print("creating %s" %pwys_file) with open(pwys_file, 'w') as csvfile: fieldnames = ['pathway'] + [i+"_completion_rate" for i in all_basename_files] + [i+"_rxn_assoc (sep=;)" for i in all_basename_files] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter='\t') writer.writeheader() for pwy_id, dict_basename_data in list(dict_pwys.items()): dict_row = {'pathway': pwy_id} for basename_file, pwy_data in list(dict_basename_data.items()): dict_row.update({basename_file+"_completion_rate": pwy_data["ratio"], basename_file+"_rxn_assoc (sep=;)": pwy_data["rxn_associated"]}) writer.writerow(dict_row) #metabolites #metabolites file header: cpd, base_file_1, base_file_n cpds_file = os.path.join(output,"metabolites.csv") if verbose: print(("creating %s" %cpds_file)) with open(cpds_file, 'w') as csvfile: fieldnames = ['metabolite'] + [i+"_rxn_consume" for i in all_basename_files] + [i+"_rxn_produce" for i in all_basename_files] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter='\t') writer.writeheader() for cpd_id, dict_basename_data in dict_cpds.items(): dict_row = {'metabolite': cpd_id} for basename_file, cpd_data in dict_basename_data.items(): dict_row.update({basename_file+"_rxn_consume": cpd_data["rxn_consume"], basename_file+"_rxn_produce": cpd_data["rxn_produce"]}) writer.writerow(dict_row)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()