Source code for padmet_utils.connection.padmet_to_tsv

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    convert a padmet representing a database (padmetRef) and/or a padmet representing a model (padmetSpec)
    to tsv files for askomics.

    1./ Folder creation
    given the output directory. Create this directory if required and create a folder
    padmetRef filename and/or padmetSpec filename

    2.1/ For padmetRef:

        2.1.a/ Nodes
            get all reactions nodes => extract data from misc with extract_nodes(rxn_nodes, "reaction", "../rxn.tsv")

            get all compounds nodes => extract data from misc with extract_nodes(cpd_nodes, "compounds", "../cpd.tsv")

            get all pathways nodes => extract data from misc with extract_nodes(pwy_nodes, "pathway", "../pwy.tsv")

            get all xrefs nodes => extract data from misc with extract_nodes(xref_nodes, "xref", "../xref.tsv")
        2.1.b/ Relations
            for each rxn in rxn nodes:

                get all rlt consumes/produces => create list of data with extract_rxn_cpd(rxn_cpd_rlt)
                    fieldnames = "rxn_cpd","concerns@reaction","consumes@compound","produces@compound","stoichiometry","compartment"

                get all rlt is_in_pathway => create list of data with extract_rxn_pwy(rxn_pwy_rlt)
                    fieldnames = "rxn_pwy","concerns@reaction","in_pwy@pathway"

                get all rlt has_xref => create list of data with extract_entity_xref(rxn_xref_rlt)

            for each cpd in cpd nodes:

                get all rlt has_xref => update previous list of data with extract_entity_xref(cpd_xref_rlt)
                    fieldnames = "entity_xref","concerns@reaction","concerns@compound","has_xref@xref"

    usage: --padmetSpec=FILE [--padmetRef=FILE] --output_dir=DIR [-v] --padmetRef=FILE [--padmetSpec=FILE] --output_dir=DIR [-v]
        -h --help     Show help.
        --padmetSpec=FILE    path of the padmet representing the network to convert
        --padmetRef=FILE    path of the padmet representing the database
from padmet.classes import PadmetSpec, PadmetRef
from itertools import zip_longest
import os
import csv
import docopt

[docs]def main(): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__) padmetSpec_file = args["--padmetSpec"] padmetRef_file = args["--padmetRef"] output_dir = args["--output_dir"] verbose = args["-v"] global all_rxn_nodes, all_cpd_nodes, all_pwy_nodes #check if output_dir exist, else create it if not output_dir.endswith("/"): output_dir += "/" if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): if verbose: print("Creating folder %s" %output_dir) os.makedirs(output_dir) #loading padmetSpec if padmetSpec_file: if verbose: print("Loading %s" %padmetSpec_file) padmetSpec = PadmetSpec(padmetSpec_file) padmetSpec_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(padmetSpec_file))[0] padmetSpec_folder = output_dir+padmetSpec_name+"/" if not os.path.isdir(padmetSpec_folder): if verbose: print(("Creating folder %s" %padmetSpec_folder)) os.makedirs(padmetSpec_folder) #if padmetRef given, create folder for padmetRef if padmetRef_file: if verbose: print("Loading %s" %padmetRef_file) padmetRef = PadmetRef(padmetRef_file) padmetRef_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(padmetRef_file))[0] padmetRef_folder = output_dir+padmetRef_name+"/" if not os.path.isdir(padmetRef_folder): if verbose: print("Creating folder %s" %padmetRef_folder) os.makedirs(padmetRef_folder) #NODES #Converting nodes data to tsv format #Except for names nodes: adding them as attribu if padmetRef_file: if verbose: print("Extracting nodes from %s" %padmetRef_name) with open(padmetRef_folder+"metabolic_network.tsv", 'w') as f: fieldnames = ["metabolic_network","name"] writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") writer.writerow(fieldnames) writer.writerow([padmetRef_name, padmetRef_name]) if verbose: print("\tExtracting reactions") all_rxn_nodes = [node for node in list(padmetRef.dicOfNode.values()) if node.type == "reaction"] if all_rxn_nodes: extract_nodes(padmetRef, all_rxn_nodes, "reaction", padmetRef_folder+"rxn.tsv", {"in@metabolic_network":[padmetRef_name]}) if verbose: print("\t%s reactions" %len(all_rxn_nodes)) if verbose: print("\tExtracting compounds") all_cpd_nodes = set([padmetRef.dicOfNode[rlt.id_out] for rlt in padmetRef.getAllRelation() if rlt.type in ["consumes","produces"]]) if all_cpd_nodes: extract_nodes(padmetRef, all_cpd_nodes, "compound", padmetRef_folder+"cpd.tsv") if verbose: print("\t%s compounds" %len(all_cpd_nodes)) if verbose: print("\tExtracting pathways") all_pwy_nodes = [node for node in list(padmetRef.dicOfNode.values()) if node.type == "pathway"] if all_pwy_nodes: extract_nodes(padmetRef, all_pwy_nodes, "pathway", padmetRef_folder+"pwy.tsv") if verbose: print("\t%s pathways" %len(all_pwy_nodes)) if verbose: print("\tExtracting xrefs") all_xrefs_nodes = [node for node in list(padmetRef.dicOfNode.values()) if node.type == "xref"] if all_xrefs_nodes: extract_nodes(padmetRef, all_xrefs_nodes, "xref", padmetRef_folder+"xref.tsv") if verbose: print("\t%s xrefs" %len(all_xrefs_nodes)) #RELATIONS #Converting relations data to tsv format if verbose: print("Extracting relations from %s" %padmetRef_name) rxn_cpd_data = [] rxn_pwy_data = [] entity_xref_data = [] if verbose: print("\tExtracting relations reaction-[consumes/produces]-compound") if verbose: print("\tExtracting relations reaction-is_inclued_in-pathway") if verbose: print("\tExtracting relations reactions-has_xref-xref") for rxn_node in all_rxn_nodes: rxn_id = #if verbose: print("Reaction %s" %rxn_id) #all consumes/produces relations cp_rlt = [rlt for rlt in padmetRef.dicOfRelationIn[rxn_id] if rlt.type in ["consumes","produces"]] rxn_cpd_data += extract_rxn_cpd(cp_rlt) #all is_in_pathway relations pwy_rlt = [rlt for rlt in padmetRef.dicOfRelationIn[rxn_id] if rlt.type == "is_in_pathway"] if pwy_rlt: rxn_pwy_data += extract_rxn_pwy(pwy_rlt) #all has_xref relations rxn_xref_rlt = [rlt for rlt in padmetRef.dicOfRelationIn[rxn_id] if rlt.type == "has_xref"] if rxn_xref_rlt: entity_xref_data += extract_entity_xref(rxn_xref_rlt, padmetRef) if verbose: print("\tExtracting relations compound-has_xref-xref") for cpd_node in all_cpd_nodes: cpd_id = try: cpd_xref_rlt = [rlt for rlt in padmetRef.dicOfRelationIn[cpd_id] if rlt.type == "has_xref"] if cpd_xref_rlt: entity_xref_data += extract_entity_xref(cpd_xref_rlt, padmetRef) except KeyError: pass if verbose: print("\tExtracting relations pwy-has_xref-xref") for pwy_node in all_pwy_nodes: pwy_id = try: pwy_xref_rlt = [rlt for rlt in padmetRef.dicOfRelationIn[pwy_id] if rlt.type == "has_xref"] if pwy_xref_rlt: entity_xref_data += extract_entity_xref(pwy_xref_rlt, padmetRef) except KeyError: pass if rxn_cpd_data: if verbose: print("\t\tCreating rxn_cpd.tsv") rxn_cpd_file(rxn_cpd_data, padmetRef_folder+"rxn_cpd.tsv") if rxn_pwy_data: if verbose: print("\t\tCreating rxn_pwy.tsv") rxn_pwy_file(rxn_pwy_data, padmetRef_folder+"rxn_pwy.tsv") if entity_xref_data: if verbose: print("\t\tCreating entity_xref.tsv") entity_xref_file(entity_xref_data, padmetRef_folder+"entity_xref.tsv") else: if verbose: print("No given padmetRef") all_rxn_nodes, all_cpd_nodes, all_pwy_nodes, all_xref_nodes=[[]]*4 if padmetSpec_file: if verbose: print("Extracting nodes from %s" %padmetSpec_name) with open(padmetSpec_folder+"metabolic_network.tsv", 'w') as f: fieldnames = ["metabolic_network","name"] writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") writer.writerow(fieldnames) writer.writerow([padmetSpec_name,padmetSpec_name]) if verbose: print("\tExtracting reactions") spec_rxn_nodes = [node for node in list(padmetSpec.dicOfNode.values()) if node.type == "reaction"] if all_rxn_nodes: extract_nodes(padmetSpec, spec_rxn_nodes, "reaction", padmetSpec_folder+"rxn.tsv", {"in@metabolic_network":[padmetSpec_name]}) if verbose: print("\t%s reactions" %len(spec_rxn_nodes)) if verbose: print("\tExtracting compounds") spec_cpd_nodes = set([padmetSpec.dicOfNode[rlt.id_out] for rlt in padmetSpec.getAllRelation() if rlt.type in ["consumes","produces"]]) if all_cpd_nodes: extract_nodes(padmetSpec, spec_cpd_nodes, "compound", padmetSpec_folder+"cpd.tsv") if verbose: print("\t%s compounds" %len(spec_cpd_nodes)) if verbose: print("\tExtracting pathways") spec_pwy_nodes = [node for node in list(padmetSpec.dicOfNode.values()) if node.type == "pathway"] if all_pwy_nodes: extract_nodes(padmetSpec, spec_pwy_nodes, "pathway", padmetSpec_folder+"pwy.tsv") if verbose: print("\t%s pathways" %len(spec_pwy_nodes)) if verbose: print("\tExtracting xrefs") spec_xrefs_nodes = [node for node in list(padmetSpec.dicOfNode.values()) if node.type == "xref"] if spec_xrefs_nodes: extract_nodes(padmetSpec, spec_xrefs_nodes, "xref", padmetSpec_folder+"xref.tsv") if verbose: print("\t%s xrefs" %len(spec_xrefs_nodes)) if verbose: print("\tExtracting all genes") spec_genes_nodes = [node for node in list(padmetSpec.dicOfNode.values()) if node.type == "gene"] if spec_genes_nodes: extract_nodes(padmetSpec, spec_genes_nodes, "gene", padmetSpec_folder+"gene.tsv", opt_col = {"in@metabolic_network":[padmetSpec_name]}) if verbose: print("\t%s genes" %len(spec_genes_nodes)) if verbose: print("\tExtracting all reconstructionData") spec_recData_nodes = [node for node in list(padmetSpec.dicOfNode.values()) if node.type == "reconstructionData"] if spec_genes_nodes: extract_nodes(padmetSpec, spec_recData_nodes, "reconstructionData", padmetSpec_folder+"reconstructionData.tsv") if verbose: print("\t%s reconstructionData" %len(spec_recData_nodes)) if verbose: print("Extracting relations from %s" %padmetSpec_name) rxn_cpd_data = [] rxn_pwy_data = [] rxn_gene_data = [] entity_xref_data = [] rxn_rec_data = [] """ fieldnames = ["rxn_reconstruction_info","concers@reaction","has_metadata@reconstruction_information","concerns@metabolic_network"] with open(padmetSpec_folder+"rxn_sources.tsv", 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") writer.writerow(fieldnames) for rxn_node in spec_all_rxn_nodes: for src in rxn_node.misc.get("SOURCE",[]): line = [, src, padmetSpec_name] line.insert(0,"_".join(line)) writer.writerow(line) """ if verbose: print("\tExtracting relations reaction-[consumes/produces]-compound") if verbose: print("\tExtracting relations reaction-is_in_pathway-pathway") if verbose: print("\tExtracting relations reactions-has_xref-xref") if verbose: print("\tExtracting relations reactions-is_linked_to-gene") if verbose: print("\tExtracting relations reactions-has_metadata-reconstructionData") for rxn_node in spec_rxn_nodes: rxn_id = #if verbose: print("Reaction %s" %rxn_id) #all consumes/produces relations rxn_cpd_rlt = [rlt for rlt in padmetSpec.dicOfRelationIn[rxn_id] if rlt.type in ["consumes","produces"]] rxn_cpd_data += extract_rxn_cpd(rxn_cpd_rlt) #all is_in_pathway relations rxn_pwy_rlt = [rlt for rlt in padmetSpec.dicOfRelationIn[rxn_id] if rlt.type == "is_in_pathway"] rxn_pwy_data += extract_rxn_pwy(rxn_pwy_rlt) #all has_xref relations rxn_xref_rlt = [rlt for rlt in padmetSpec.dicOfRelationIn[rxn_id] if rlt.type == "has_xref"] entity_xref_data += extract_entity_xref(rxn_xref_rlt, padmetSpec) #all is_linked_to relations rxn_gene_rlt = [rlt for rlt in padmetSpec.dicOfRelationIn[rxn_id] if rlt.type == "is_linked_to"] rxn_gene_data += extract_rxn_gene(rxn_gene_rlt) #all reconstructionData rxn_rec_rlt = [rlt for rlt in padmetSpec.dicOfRelationIn[rxn_id] if rlt.type == "has_reconstructionData"] rxn_rec_data += extract_rxn_rec(rxn_rec_rlt) if verbose: print("\tExtracting relations compound-has_xref-xref") for cpd_node in spec_cpd_nodes: cpd_id = #if verbose: print("Compound %s" %cpd_id) try: cpd_xref_rlt = [rlt for rlt in padmetSpec.dicOfRelationIn[cpd_id] if rlt.type == "has_xref"] entity_xref_data += extract_entity_xref(cpd_xref_rlt, padmetSpec) except KeyError: pass if padmetRef: if verbose: print("\tExtracting pathways's completion rate and creating pwy_rate.tsv") pwy_rate(padmetRef, padmetSpec, padmetSpec_name, padmetSpec_folder+"pwy_rate.tsv") else: if verbose: print("No padmetRef given unable to calculate pathway ratio") if rxn_cpd_data: if verbose: print("\t\tCreating rxn_cpd.tsv") rxn_cpd_file(rxn_cpd_data, padmetSpec_folder+"rxn_cpd.tsv") if rxn_pwy_data: if verbose: print("\t\tCreating rxn_pwy.tsv") rxn_pwy_file(rxn_pwy_data, padmetSpec_folder+"rxn_pwy.tsv") if entity_xref_data: if verbose: print("\t\tCreating entity_xref.tsv") entity_xref_file(entity_xref_data, padmetSpec_folder+"entity_xref.tsv") if rxn_gene_data: if verbose: print("\t\tCreating rxn_gene.tsv") rxn_gene_file(rxn_gene_data, padmetSpec_folder+"rxn_gene.tsv") if rxn_rec_data: if verbose: print("\t\tCreating rxn_reconstructionData.tsv") rxn_rec_file(rxn_rec_data, padmetSpec_folder+"rxn_reconstructionData.tsv")
[docs]def extract_nodes(padmet, nodes, entity_id, output, opt_col = {}): """ for n nodes in nodes. for each node.misc = {A:['x'],B:['y','z']} create a file with line = [,A[0],B[0]],[,"",B[1]] the order is defined in fieldnames. merge common name and synonyms in 'name' """ #set of keys from each misc dict all_keys = set() #opt_col: if wanted to add extra data [all_keys.update(list(node.misc.keys())) for node in nodes] if opt_col: fieldnames = [entity_id] + list(opt_col.keys()) + list(all_keys) else: fieldnames = [entity_id] + list(all_keys) with open(output, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") writer.writerow(fieldnames) for node in nodes: try: names = [padmet.dicOfNode[rlt.id_out].misc["LABEL"] for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationIn[] if rlt.type == "has_name"] names = names[0] if "COMMON-NAME" in list(node.misc.keys()): [node.misc["COMMON-NAME"].append(name) for name in names if name not in node.misc["COMMON-NAME"]] else: node.misc["COMMON-NAME"] = names except (KeyError, IndexError): names = [""] if opt_col: node.misc.update(opt_col) data = [node.misc.get(col,[""]) for col in fieldnames] data = zip_longest(*data,fillvalue="") for d in data: d = list(d) d[0] = writer.writerow(d)
[docs]def extract_rxn_cpd(rxn_cpd_rlt): """ for rlt in rxn_cpd_rlt, append in data: [rxn_id,cpd_id(consumed),'',stoich,compartment] and/or [rxn_id,'',cpd_id(produced),stoich,compartment]. The value in index 0 is a merge of all data to create a unique relation id """ data = [] for rlt in rxn_cpd_rlt: rxn_id = rlt.id_in cpd_id = rlt.id_out stoich = rlt.misc["STOICHIOMETRY"][0] if "n" in stoich: stoich = "1" if rlt.type == "consumes": line = [rxn_id, cpd_id, "", stoich, rlt.misc["COMPARTMENT"][0]] line.insert(0, "_".join(line)) elif rlt.type == "produces": line = [rxn_id, "", cpd_id, stoich, rlt.misc["COMPARTMENT"][0]] line.insert(0, "_".join(line)) data.append(line) return data
[docs]def rxn_cpd_file(data, output): """ from data obtained with extract_rxn_cpd(), create file rxn_cpd """ fieldnames = ["rxn_cpd","concerns@reaction","consumes@compound","produces@compound","stoichiometry","compartment"] with open(output, 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") writer.writerow(fieldnames) [writer.writerow(d) for d in data]
[docs]def extract_rxn_pwy(rxn_pwy_rlt): """ for rlt in rxn_pwy_rlt, append in data: [rxn_id,pwy_id]. The value in index 0 is a merge of all data to create a unique relation id """ data = [] for rlt in rxn_pwy_rlt: rxn_id = rlt.id_in pwy_id = rlt.id_out line = [rxn_id, pwy_id] line.insert(0,"_".join(line)) data.append(line) return data
[docs]def extract_pwy(padmet): """ from padmet return a dict, k = pwy_id, v = set of rxn_id in pwy """ #get all pathways in ref in dict: k=pwy_id, v = set(rxn_id in pwy) #get all pathways in in spec dict: k=pwy_id, v = set(rxn_id in pwy) pathways_rxn_dict = dict([(, set([rlt.id_in for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationOut.get(,[]) if rlt.type == "is_in_pathway" and padmet.dicOfNode[rlt.id_in].type == "reaction"])) for node in list(padmet.dicOfNode.values()) if node.type == "pathway"]) #pop k,v if len(v) == 0 (if not v) [pathways_rxn_dict.pop(k) for k,v in list(pathways_rxn_dict.items()) if not v] return pathways_rxn_dict
[docs]def pwy_rate(padmetRef, padmetSpec, metabolic_network, output): """ pwy rate in padmetSpec is calculated based on padmetRef """ all_pathways_dict = extract_pwy(padmetRef) network_pathways_dict = extract_pwy(padmetSpec) fieldnames = ["pathway_rate","concerns@metabolic_network","concerns@pathway","rate"] with open(output, 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") writer.writerow(fieldnames) for pwy_id, all_rxns_set in list(all_pathways_dict.items()): #pwy_id = "PWY-5497" #rxns_set = network_pathways_dict["PWY-5497"] all_rxns_set = all_pathways_dict[pwy_id] nb_all_rxns = len(all_rxns_set) rxns_set = network_pathways_dict.get(pwy_id, set()) nb_in_network = len(rxns_set.intersection(all_rxns_set)) #rate nb rxn in network / nb total rxn in pwy rate = round(float(nb_in_network)/float(nb_all_rxns),2) rate = str(rate).replace(",",".") pwy_rate_id = "_".join([pwy_id, metabolic_network, rate]) writer.writerow([pwy_rate_id, metabolic_network, pwy_id, rate])
[docs]def rxn_pwy_file(data, output): fieldnames = ["rxn_pwy","concerns@reaction","is_included_in@pathway"] with open(output, 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") writer.writerow(fieldnames) [writer.writerow(d) for d in data]
[docs]def extract_entity_xref(entity_xref_rlt, padmet): data = [] for rlt in entity_xref_rlt: entity_id = rlt.id_in xref_id = rlt.id_out if padmet.dicOfNode[entity_id].type == "reaction": line = [xref_id,entity_id, "", ""] line.insert(0, "_".join(line)) elif padmet.dicOfNode[entity_id].type == "pathway": line = [xref_id, "", entity_id, ""] line.insert(0, "_".join(line)) else: line = [xref_id, "", "", entity_id] line.insert(0, "_".join(line)) data.append(line) return data
[docs]def entity_xref_file(data, output): fieldnames = ["entity_xref", "has_metadata@xref", "concerns@reaction","concerns@pathway","concerns@compound"] with open(output, 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") writer.writerow(fieldnames) [writer.writerow(d) for d in data]
[docs]def extract_rxn_gene(rxn_gene_rlt): data = [] for rlt in rxn_gene_rlt: rxn_id = rlt.id_in gene_id = rlt.id_out all_src_data = rlt.misc["SOURCE:ASSIGNMENT"] for src_data in all_src_data: try: src, assignment = src_data.split(":") except ValueError: src = src_data assignment = "" recData_id = rxn_id + "_reconstructionData_" + src line = [rxn_id, gene_id, recData_id] line.insert(0, "_".join(line)) line.append(assignment) data.append(line) return data
[docs]def rxn_gene_file(data, output): fieldnames = ["rxn_gene_recData","concerns@reaction","is_linked_to@gene","was_obtained_with@reconstructionData", "assignment_evidence"] with open(output, 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") writer.writerow(fieldnames) [writer.writerow(d) for d in data]
[docs]def extract_rxn_rec(rxn_rec_rlt): data = [] for rlt in rxn_rec_rlt: rxn_id = rlt.id_in recData_id = rlt.id_out line = [rxn_id, recData_id] data.append(line) return data
[docs]def rxn_rec_file(data, output): fieldnames = ["reaction","has_metadata@reconstructionData"] with open(output, 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") writer.writerow(fieldnames) [writer.writerow(d) for d in data]
if __name__ == "__main__": main()