Source code for padmet_utils.connection.padmet_to_asp

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Convert PADMet to ASP following these predicats:
    common_name({reaction_id or enzyme_id or pathway_id or compound_id} , common_name)
    direction(reaction_id, reaction_direction). reaction_direction in[LEFT-TO-RIGHT,REVERSIBLE]
    ec_number(reaction_id, ec(x,x,x)).
    catalysed_by(reaction_id, enzyme_id).
    uniprotID(enzyme_id, uniprot_id). #if has has_xref and db = "UNIPROT"
    in_pathway(reaction_id, pathway_id).
    reactant(reaction_id, compound_id, stoechio_value).
    product(reaction_id, compound_id, stoechio_value).
    is_a(compound_id, class_id).
    is_a(pathway_id, pathway_id).

    usage: --padmet=FILE --output=FILE [-v]
        -h --help     Show help.
        --padmet=FILE    path to padmet file to convert.
        --output=FILE    path to output file in lp format.
        -v    print info.
from padmet.classes import PadmetSpec
import docopt

[docs]def main(): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__) padmet_file = args["--padmet"] output = args["--output"] verbose = args["-v"] padmet_to_asp(padmet_file, output, verbose)
[docs]def padmet_to_asp(padmet_file, output, verbose = False): """ Convert PADMet to ASP following these predicats: common_name({reaction_id or enzyme_id or pathway_id or compound_id} , common_name) direction(reaction_id, reaction_direction). reaction_direction in[LEFT-TO-RIGHT,REVERSIBLE] ec_number(reaction_id, ec(x,x,x)). catalysed_by(reaction_id, enzyme_id). uniprotID(enzyme_id, uniprot_id). #if has has_xref and db = "UNIPROT" in_pathway(reaction_id, pathway_id). reactant(reaction_id, compound_id, stoechio_value). product(reaction_id, compound_id, stoechio_value). is_a(compound_id, class_id). is_a(pathway_id, pathway_id). Parameters ---------- padmet_file: str the path to padmet file to convert output: str the path to the output to create verbose: bool print informations """ padmet = PadmetSpec(padmet_file) with open(output, 'w') as f: #recover all reactions's data reactions = [node for node in padmet.dicOfNode.values() if node.type == "reaction"] nb_reactions = len(reactions) #set where to store compounds and enzymes already recovered allCompounds_enzymes = set() count = 0 for reaction_node in reactions: count += 1 reaction_id = if verbose: print("Reaction "+str(count)+"/"+str(nb_reactions)+"\t"+reaction_id) #common_name try: reaction_name = reaction_node.misc["COMMON_NAME"][0] line = asp_synt("common_name",[reaction_id, reaction_name]) line += "\n" f.write(line) except KeyError: pass #direction try: reaction_direction = reaction_node.misc["DIRECTION"][0] except KeyError: reaction_direction = "REVERSIBLE" line = asp_synt("direction",[reaction_id, reaction_direction]) line += "\n" f.write(line) #EC-Number try: ECs = reaction_node.misc["EC_NUMBER"] for ec_number in ECs: ec_number = ec_number.replace("EC-","").replace(".",",") line = "ec_number"+"(\""+reaction_id+"\", ec("+ec_number+"))." line += "\n" f.write(line) except KeyError: pass #Enzymes try: enzymes = [rlt.id_in for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationOut[reaction_id] if rlt.type == "catalyses"] for enzyme_id in enzymes: #check if enzyme has uniprot_id if enzyme_id not in allCompounds_enzymes: allCompounds_enzymes.add(enzyme_id) try: uniprot_ref = [padmet.dicOfNode[rlt.id_out].misc["ID"][0] for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationIn[enzyme_id] if rlt.type == "has_xref" and ("UNIPROT" in padmet.dicOfNode[rlt.id_out].misc["DB"][0])] for uniprot_id in uniprot_ref: line = asp_synt("uniprotID",[enzyme_id, uniprot_id]) line += "\n" f.write(line) except KeyError: pass try: enzyme_name = padmet.dicOfNode[enzyme_id].misc["COMMON_NAME"][0] line = asp_synt("common_name",[enzyme_id, enzyme_name]) line += "\n" f.write(line) except KeyError: pass line = asp_synt("catalysed_by",[reaction_id, enzyme_id]) line += "\n" f.write(line) except KeyError: pass #pathways pathways = [rlt.id_out for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationIn[reaction_id] if rlt.type == "is_in_pathway"] for pathway_id in pathways: line = asp_synt("in_pathway",[reaction_id, pathway_id]) line += "\n" f.write(line) #reactants reactants_data = [(rlt.id_out, rlt.misc["STOICHIOMETRY"][0]) for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationIn[reaction_id] if rlt.type == "consumes"] for reactant_id, stoechio in reactants_data: try: int(stoechio) except ValueError: stoechio = "1" line = asp_synt("reactant",[reaction_id, reactant_id]) line = line[:-2]+","+stoechio+line[-2:]+"\n" f.write(line) #class of reactant* if reactant_id not in allCompounds_enzymes: allCompounds_enzymes.add(reactant_id) try: reactant_classes = [rlt.id_out for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationIn[reactant_id] if rlt.type == "is_a_class"] for class_id in reactant_classes: line = asp_synt("is_a",[reactant_id, class_id]) line += "\n" f.write(line) except KeyError: pass try: reactant_name = padmet.dicOfNode[reactant_id].misc["COMMON_NAME"][0] line = asp_synt("common_name",[reactant_id, reactant_name]) line += "\n" f.write(line) except KeyError: pass #products products_data = [(rlt.id_out, rlt.misc["STOICHIOMETRY"][0]) for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationIn[reaction_id] if rlt.type == "produces"] for product_id, stoechio in products_data: try: int(stoechio) except ValueError: stoechio = "1" line = asp_synt("product",[reaction_id, product_id]) line = line[:-2]+","+stoechio+line[-2:]+"\n" f.write(line) #class of product if product_id not in allCompounds_enzymes: allCompounds_enzymes.add(product_id) try: product_classes = [rlt.id_out for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationIn[product_id] if rlt.type == "is_a_class"] for class_id in product_classes: line = asp_synt("is_a",[product_id, class_id]) line += "\n" f.write(line) except KeyError: pass try: product_name = padmet.dicOfNode[product_id].misc["COMMON_NAME"][0] line = asp_synt("common_name",[product_id, product_name]) line += "\n" f.write(line) except KeyError: pass #recover all pathway's data pathways = [node for node in padmet.dicOfNode.values() if node.type == "pathway"] nb_pathways = len(pathways) count = 0 for pathway_node in pathways: count += 1 pathway_id = if verbose: print("Pathway "+str(count)+"/"+str(nb_pathways)+"\t"+pathway_id) #common_name try: pathway_name = padmet.dicOfNode[pathway_id].misc["COMMON_NAME"][0] line = asp_synt("common_name",[pathway_id, pathway_name]) line += "\n" f.write(line) except KeyError: pass is_in_pathway = [rlt.id_out for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationIn[pathway_id] if rlt.type == "is_in_pathway"] for sub_pathway_id in is_in_pathway: line = asp_synt("is_a",[pathway_id, sub_pathway_id]) line += "\n" f.write(line)
[docs]def asp_synt(pred, list_args): """ create a predicat for asp example: asp_synt("direction",["R1","REVERSIBLE"]) => "direction('R1','reversible')." Parameters ---------- pred: str the predicat list_args: list list of atoms to put in the predicat Returns ------- str the predicat 'pred(''list_args[0]'',''list_args[1]'',...,''list_args[n]'').' """ list_args = ["\""+str(i)+"\"" for i in list_args] rez = str(pred)+"("+",".join(list_args)+")." return rez
if __name__ == "__main__": main()