Source code for padmet_utils.connection.extract_orthofinder

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    After running orthofinder on n fasta file, read the output file 'Orthogroups.csv'
    Require a folder 'orthology_based_folder' with this archi:
        |-- model_a
            -- model_a.sbml
        |-- model_b

    And the name of the studied organism 'study_id'

    1. Read the orthogroups file, extract orthogroups in dict 'all_orthogroups', and all org names

    2. In orthology folder search for sbml files 'extension = .sbml'

    3. For each models regroup all information in a dict dict_data:
        {'study_id': study_id,
        'model_id' : model_id,
        'sbml_template': path to sbml of model',
        'output': path to the output sbml,
        'verbose': bool, if true print information

        The output is by default:

    4. Store all previous dict_data in a list all_dict_data

    5. iter on dict from all_dict_data and use function dict_data_to_sbml

    Use a dict of data dict_data and dict of orthogroups dict_orthogroup to create sbml files.
    dict_data and dict_orthogroup are obtained with fun orthofinder_to_sbml
    6./ Read dict_orthogroups and check if model associated to dict_data and study org share orthologue
    7./ Read sbml of model, parse all reactions and get genes associated to reaction.
    8./ For each reactions:
        Parse genes associated to sub part (ex: (gene-a and gene-b) or gene-c) = [(gene-a,gene-b), gene-c]
        Check if study org have orthologue with at least one sub part (gene-a, gene-b) or gene-c
        if yes: add the reaction to the new sbml and change genes ids by study org genes ids
        Create the new sbml file.
        extract_orthofinder --sbml=FILE/DIR --orthologues=DIR --study_id=STR --output=DIR [--workflow=STR] [-v]
        extract_orthofinder --sbml=DIR --orthogroups=FILE --study_id=STR --output=DIR [--workflow=STR] [-v]

        -h --help    Show help.
        --sbml=DIR   Folder with sub folder named as models name within sbml file name as model_name.sbml
        --orthogroups=FILE   Output file of Orthofinder run Orthogroups.tsv
        --orthologues=DIR   Output directory of Orthofinder run Orthologues
        --study_id=ID   name of the studied organism
        --workflow=ID   worklow id in ['aureme','aucome']. specific run architecture where to search sbml files
       --output=DIR   folder where to create all sbml output files
        -v   print info

import re
import csv
import libsbml
import docopt
from padmet.utils import sbmlPlugin as sp
from padmet.utils import gbr
import os

[docs]def main(): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__) verbose = args["-v"] sbml = args["--sbml"] orthogroups_file = args["--orthogroups"] orthologue_folder = args["--orthologues"] output_folder = args["--output"] study_id = args["--study_id"] workflow = args["--workflow"] if workflow: workflow = workflow.lower() if workflow not in [None, 'aureme','aucome']: raise ValueError('--worfklow must be in ["aureme","aucome"]') all_model_sbml = get_sbml_files(sbml, workflow, verbose) if orthogroups_file: orthogroups_to_sbml(orthogroups_file, all_model_sbml, output_folder, study_id, verbose) elif orthologue_folder: orthologue_to_sbml(orthologue_folder, all_model_sbml, output_folder, study_id, verbose)
[docs]def get_sbml_files(sbml, workflow = None, verbose = False): """ """ all_model_sbml = {} if workflow == 'aureme': orthology_based_folder = os.path.join(sbml, "orthology_based_reconstruction") if not os.path.exists(orthology_based_folder): raise ValueError("folder orthology_based_reconstruction not found in %s, should exist if workflow used is %s" %(sbml, workflow)) for path, _, files in os.walk(orthology_based_folder): fold = os.path.basename(path) if fold != "orthofinder_wd": for _file in files: if _file == fold+".sbml": all_model_sbml[fold] = os.path.join(path, _file) elif workflow == 'aucome': annotation_based_sbml_folder = os.path.join(sbml, "annotation_based/SBMLs") if not os.path.exists(annotation_based_sbml_folder): raise ValueError("folder annotation_based/SBMLs not found in %s, should exist if workflow used is %s" %(sbml, workflow)) for _file in next(os.walk(annotation_based_sbml_folder))[2]: org_id = re.sub("output_pathwaytools_|.sbml", "", _file) all_model_sbml[org_id] = os.path.join(annotation_based_sbml_folder, _file) model_organisms_folder = os.path.join(sbml, "model_organisms") for path, _, files in os.walk(model_organisms_folder): org_id = os.path.basename(path) for _file in files: if _file == org_id+".sbml": all_model_sbml[org_id] = os.path.join(path, _file) elif not os.path.isdir(sbml): org_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sbml))[0] all_model_sbml[org_id] = sbml else: for _file in next(os.walk(sbml))[2]: org_id = os.path.splitext(_file)[0] all_model_sbml[org_id] = os.path.join(sbml, _file) return all_model_sbml
[docs]def orthogroups_to_sbml(orthogroups_file, all_model_sbml, output_folder, study_id, verbose = False): """ After running orthofinder on n fasta file, read the output file 'Orthogroups.csv' Require a folder 'orthology_based_folder' with this archi: \model_a model_a.sbml \model_b model_b.sbml And the name of the studied organism 'study_id' 1. Read the orthogroups file, extract orthogroups in dict 'all_orthogroups', and all org names 2. In orthology folder search for sbml files 'extension = .sbml' 3. For each models regroup all information in a dict dict_data: {'study_id': study_id, 'model_id' : model_id, 'sbml_template': path to sbml of model', 'output': path to the output sbml, 'verbose': bool, if true print information } The output is by default: output_orthofinder_from_'model_id'.sbml 4. Store all previous dict_data in a list all_dict_data 5. iter on dict from all_dict_data and use function dict_data_to_sbml This function will create a sbml from each model and conserve only reactions associated to ortholog genes For more information read the doc of func dict_data_to_sbml Parameters ---------- orthogroups_file: str path of Orthofinder output file 'Orthogroups.csv' orthology_based_folder: str path of folder with model's sbml output: str pathname of the output folder of all sbml extracted study_id: str name of the studied organism verbose: bool if True print information """ if verbose: print("Parsing Orthofinder output %s" %orthogroups_file) #k=orthogroup_id, v = {k = name, v = set of genes} dict_orthogroups = {} all_orgs = set() with open(orthogroups_file, 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter = "\t") for row in reader: orth_id = row['Orthogroup'] row.pop('Orthogroup') new_dict = dict([(name, set([gene_id.split("_isoform")[0] for gene_id in set(genes.split(","))])) for (name, genes) in list(row.items()) if genes]) dict_orthogroups[orth_id] = new_dict all_orgs.update(new_dict.keys()) #check all sbml if verbose: print("Start sbml creation...") all_dict_data = [] if not os.path.exists(output_folder): if verbose: print("\tCreating folder %s" %output_folder) os.makedirs(output_folder) all_models = all_orgs - set([study_id]) for model_id in all_models: output_name = "output_orthofinder_from_{0}.sbml".format(model_id) output = os.path.join(output_folder, output_name) sbml_template = all_model_sbml[model_id] dict_data = {'study_id': study_id, 'model_id': model_id, 'sbml_template': sbml_template, 'output': output, 'verbose':verbose} all_dict_data.append(dict_data) for dict_data in all_dict_data: dict_data_to_sbml(dict_data, dict_orthogroups=dict_orthogroups)
[docs]def orthologue_to_sbml(orthologue_folder, all_model_sbml, output_folder, study_id, verbose = False): """ After running orthofinder on n fasta file, read the output file 'Orthogroups.csv' Require a folder 'orthology_based_folder' with this archi: \model_a model_a.sbml \model_b model_b.sbml And the name of the studied organism 'study_id' 1. Read the orthogroups file, extract orthogroups in dict 'all_orthogroups', and all org names 2. In orthology folder search for sbml files 'extension = .sbml' 3. For each models regroup all information in a dict dict_data: {'study_id': study_id, 'model_id' : model_id, 'sbml_template': path to sbml of model', 'output': path to the output sbml, 'verbose': bool, if true print information } The output is by default: output_orthofinder_from_'model_id'.sbml 4. Store all previous dict_data in a list all_dict_data 5. iter on dict from all_dict_data and use function dict_data_to_sbml This function will create a sbml from each model and conserve only reactions associated to ortholog genes For more information read the doc of func dict_data_to_sbml Parameters ---------- orthogroups_file: str path of Orthofinder output file 'Orthogroups.csv' orthology_based_folder: str path of folder with model's sbml output: str pathname of the output folder of all sbml extracted study_id: str name of the studied organism verbose: bool if True print information """ if verbose: print("Parsing Orthofinder output %s" %orthologue_folder) #k=orthogroup_id, v = {k = name, v = set of genes} all_orgs = set() all_orthologue_files = [] for _path, _folders, _files in os.walk(orthologue_folder): for _folder in _folders: all_orgs.add(_folder.replace("Orthologues_","")) for _file in _files: all_orthologue_files.append(os.path.join(_path,_file)) dict_orthologues = {} for org in all_orgs: dict_orthologues[org] = dict() #dict_orthologue: k = org_id, v = dict: k = gene_id, v = dict: k = org_id, v = set of gene orthologue id for orthologue_file in [i for i in all_orthologue_files if "__v__" in i]: with open(orthologue_file, 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter = "\t") orgs = list(reader.fieldnames) orgs.remove('Orthogroup') org_A, org_B = orgs for row in reader: gene_ids_A = [gene_id.split("_isoform")[0] for gene_id in row[org_A].split(", ")] gene_ids_B = [gene_id.split("_isoform")[0] for gene_id in row[org_B].split(", ")] for gene_id_A in gene_ids_A: if gene_id_A not in dict_orthologues[org_A].keys(): dict_orthologues[org_A][gene_id_A] = dict() try: dict_orthologues[org_A][gene_id_A][org_B] = set(gene_ids_B) except KeyError: dict_orthologues[org_A][gene_id_A] = {org_B:set(gene_ids_B)} """ for gene_id_B in gene_ids_B: if gene_id_B not in dict_orthologue[org_B].keys(): dict_orthologue[org_B][gene_id_B] = dict() try: dict_orthologue[org_B][gene_id_B][org_A] = set(gene_ids_A) except KeyError: dict_orthologue[org_B][gene_id_B] = {org_A:set(gene_ids_A)} """ if verbose: print("Start sbml creation...") all_dict_data = [] if not os.path.exists(output_folder): if verbose: print("\tCreating folder %s" %output_folder) os.makedirs(output_folder) all_models = all_orgs - set([study_id]) for model_id in all_models: output_name = "output_orthofinder_from_{0}.sbml".format(model_id) output = os.path.join(output_folder, output_name) sbml_template = all_model_sbml[model_id] dict_data = {'study_id': study_id, 'model_id': model_id, 'sbml_template': sbml_template, 'output': output, 'verbose':verbose} all_dict_data.append(dict_data) for dict_data in all_dict_data: dict_data_to_sbml(dict_data, dict_orthologues=dict_orthologues)
[docs]def dict_data_to_sbml(dict_data, dict_orthogroups=None, dict_orthologues=None, strict_match=True): """ Use a dict of data dict_data and dict of orthogroups dict_orthogroup to create sbml files. dict_data and dict_orthogroup are obtained with fun orthofinder_to_sbml 1./ Read dict_orthogroups and check if model associated to dict_data and study org share orthologue 2./ Read sbml of model, parse all reactions and get genes associated to reaction. 3./ For each reactions: Parse genes associated to sub part (ex: (gene-a and gene-b) or gene-c) = [(gene-a,gene-b), gene-c] Check if study org have orthologue with at least one sub part (gene-a, gene-b) or gene-c if yes: add the reaction to the new sbml and change genes ids by study org genes ids 4./ Create the new sbml file. Parameters ---------- dict_data: dict {'study_id': study_id, 'model_id' : model_id, 'sbml_template': path to sbml of model', 'output': path to the output sbml, 'verbose': bool, if true print information } dict_orthogroup: dict k=orthogroup_id, v = {k = name, v = set of genes} verbose: bool if True print information """ #dict_data = {'study_name':'', 'o_compare_name': '', sbml_template':'', 'output':''} study_id = dict_data['study_id'] model_id = dict_data['model_id'] sbml_template = dict_data['sbml_template'] output = dict_data['output'] verbose = dict_data.get('verbose') if dict_orthogroups: if verbose: print("*Extracting orthogroups data to create sbml of {0} from {1}".format(study_id, model_id)) #k = gene_id from to_compare, v = list of genes id of study sub_dict_orth = {} for k in dict_orthogroups.values(): try: all_to_compare_genes = k[model_id] all_study_genes = k[study_id] for to_compare_gene in all_to_compare_genes: try: sub_dict_orth[to_compare_gene].update(all_study_genes) except KeyError: sub_dict_orth[to_compare_gene] = set(all_study_genes) except KeyError: pass if not sub_dict_orth: if verbose: print("\t{0} and {1} don't share any ortholgue".format(study_id, model_id)) return elif dict_orthologues: if verbose: print("*Extracting orthologues data to create sbml of {0} from {1}".format(study_id, model_id)) #k = gene_id from to_compare, v = list of genes id of study sub_dict_orth = {} for gene_id, gene_dict in dict_orthologues[model_id].items(): try: sub_dict_orth[gene_id] = gene_dict[study_id] except KeyError: pass if not sub_dict_orth: if verbose: print("\t{0} and {1} don't share any ortholgue".format(study_id, model_id)) return else: ValueError("Must give one dict of orthogroups or orthologue") reader = libsbml.SBMLReader() document_to_compare = reader.readSBML(sbml_template) for i in range(document_to_compare.getNumErrors()): print(document_to_compare.getError(i).getMessage()) model_to_compare = document_to_compare.getModel() listOfReactions_with_genes = [rxn for rxn in model_to_compare.getListOfReactions() if sp.parseNotes(rxn).get("GENE_ASSOCIATION",[None])[0]] if verbose: print("\tSbml of {0} contains {1}/{2} reactions with genes assocation".format(model_id, len(listOfReactions_with_genes), len(model_to_compare.getListOfReactions()))) dict_rxn_ga = {} for rxn in listOfReactions_with_genes: ga = sp.parseNotes(rxn)['GENE_ASSOCIATION'][0] ga_for_gbr = re.sub(r" or " , "|", ga) ga_for_gbr = re.sub(r" and " , "&", ga_for_gbr) ga_for_gbr = re.sub(r"\s" , "", ga_for_gbr) if re.findall("\||&", ga_for_gbr): to_compare_ga_subsets = list(gbr.compile_input(ga_for_gbr)) else: ga_for_gbr = re.sub(r"\(|\)" , "", ga_for_gbr) to_compare_ga_subsets = list([ga_for_gbr]) study_ga_subsets = [] """ to_compare_ga_subsets = [('a','c','d'),('c',)] sub_dict_orth = {'a':['a_a'],'c':['c_c'], 'd':['d_d']} """ for to_compare_subset in to_compare_ga_subsets: study_subset = set() for gene in to_compare_subset: if gene in list(sub_dict_orth.keys()): study_subset.update(sub_dict_orth[gene]) else: study_subset = set() break if study_subset: """ if verbose: print("\t\t{0} == {1}".format(tuple(to_compare_subset), tuple(study_subset))) """ study_ga_subsets.append(study_subset) if study_ga_subsets: study_ga = " or ".join(["("+" and ".join(subset)+")" for subset in study_ga_subsets]) if verbose: print("\t\tAdding %s" print("\t\tGENE_ASSOCIATION: %s" %(study_ga)) dict_rxn_ga[] = study_ga if not dict_rxn_ga: if verbose: print("\tNo reaction added from {0} to {1} because of missing orthologues".format(model_id, study_id)) return rxn_id_to_remove = set([ for rxn in model_to_compare.getListOfReactions()]).difference(list(dict_rxn_ga.keys())) if verbose: print("\tRemoving %s unused reactions" %len(rxn_id_to_remove)) [model_to_compare.removeReaction(rxn_id) for rxn_id in rxn_id_to_remove] cpd_id_to_preserve = set() for rxn_id, study_ga in list(dict_rxn_ga.items()): rxn = model_to_compare.getElementBySId(rxn_id) #update notes notes_in_dict = sp.parseNotes(rxn) notes_in_dict["GENE_ASSOCIATION"] = [study_ga] notes = "<body xmlns=\"\">" for k,v_list in list(notes_in_dict.items()): for v in v_list: notes += "<p>"+k+": "+v+"</p>" notes += "</body>" rxn.setNotes(notes) cpd_in_rxn = set([p.getSpecies() for p in rxn.getListOfProducts()]).union(\ set([r.getSpecies() for r in rxn.getListOfReactants()])) cpd_id_to_preserve.update(cpd_in_rxn) all_species = [ for cpd in model_to_compare.getListOfSpecies()] [model_to_compare.removeSpecies(cpd_id ) for cpd_id in all_species if cpd_id not in cpd_id_to_preserve] new_id = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(output)[0]) model_to_compare.setId(new_id) libsbml.writeSBMLToFile(document_to_compare, output)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()