Source code for padmet_utils.connection.enhanced_meneco_output

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    The standard output of meneco return ids of reactions corresponding to the solution for gapfilling.

    The ids are those from the sbml and so they are encoded.

    This script extract the solution corresponding to the union of reactions
    "Computing union of reactions from all completion"
    Based on padmetRef return a file with more information for each reaction.

    ex: RXN__45__5

    RXN-5, common_name, ec-number, Formula (with id),Formula (with cname),Action,Comment
    Also, the output can be used as input of the script
    In the column Action: 'add' => To add the reaction, '' => to do nothing

    Comment: the reason of adding the reaction (ex: added for gap-filling by meneco)

    usage: --meneco_output=FILE --padmetRef=FILE --output=FILE [-v]
        -h --help     Show help.
        --meneco_output=FILE    pathname of a meneco run' result
        --padmetRef=FILE    path to padmet file corresponding to the database of reference (the repair network)
        --output=FILE    path to tsv output file
from padmet.classes import PadmetRef
from padmet.utils.sbmlPlugin import get_all_decoded_version
import docopt

[docs]def main(): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__) meneco_output_file = args["--meneco_output"] output = args["--output"] verbose = args["-v"] padmetRef = PadmetRef(args["--padmetRef"]) enhanced_meneco_output(meneco_output_file, padmetRef, output, verbose)
[docs]def enhanced_meneco_output(meneco_output_file, padmetRef, output, verbose=False): """ The standard output of meneco return ids of reactions corresponding to the solution for gapfilling. The ids are those from the sbml and so they are encoded. This script extract the solution corresponding to the union of reactions "Computing union of reactions from all completion" Based on padmetRef return a file with more information for each reaction. ex: RXN__45__5 RXN-5, common_name, ec-number, Formula (with id),Formula (with cname),Action,Comment Also, the output can be used as input for manual_curation In the column Action: 'add' => To add the reaction, '' => to do nothing Comment: the reason of adding the reaction (ex: added for gap-filling by meneco) Parameters ---------- meneco_output_file: str pathname of a meneco run' result padmetRef: padmet.padmetRef path to padmet file corresponding to the database of reference (the repair network) output: str path to tsv output file verbose: bool if True print information """ with open(meneco_output_file,'r') as f: #recovering union reactions file_in_array = start_index = None for line in file_in_array: if line.startswith("Computing union of reactions from all completion"): start_index = file_in_array.index(line) + 1 #recover reactions, delete ' " ' and space. if start_index is None: print("No line starting with: Computing union of reactions from all completion. Enable to extracts reactions") #return encoded_reactions = [line.strip().replace("\"","") for line in file_in_array[start_index:]] nb_reactions = len(encoded_reactions) if verbose: print("%s reactions to check" %nb_reactions) with open(output,'w') as f: header = ["idRef","Common name","EC-number","Formula (with id)","Formula (with cname)","Action","Comment", "Genes"] header = "\t".join(header)+"\n" f.write(header) for encoded_id in encoded_reactions: decoded_reactions = get_all_decoded_version(encoded_id, "reaction") reaction_id = set(decoded_reactions).intersection(set(padmetRef.dicOfNode.keys())) if reaction_id: reaction_id = list(reaction_id)[0] reac_node = padmetRef.dicOfNode[reaction_id] try: ec = reac_node.misc["EC_NUMBER"][0] except KeyError: ec = "Unknown" try: common_name = reac_node.misc["COMMON_NAME"][0] except KeyError: common_name = "Unknown" direction = reac_node.misc["DIRECTION"][0] if direction == "REVERSIBLE": direction = " <=> " elif direction == "LEFT-TO-RIGHT": direction = " => " else: direction = " =>/<=> " id_reactants = [rlt.misc["STOICHIOMETRY"][0]+" "+rlt.id_out+"["+rlt.misc["COMPARTMENT"][0]+"]" for rlt in padmetRef.dicOfRelationIn.get(reaction_id,None) if rlt.type == "consumes"] id_products = [rlt.misc["STOICHIOMETRY"][0]+" "+rlt.id_out+"["+rlt.misc["COMPARTMENT"][0]+"]" for rlt in padmetRef.dicOfRelationIn.get(reaction_id,None) if rlt.type == "produces"] idRef_formula = " + ".join(id_reactants)+direction+" + ".join(id_products) try: cname_reactants = [rlt.misc["STOICHIOMETRY"][0]+" "+padmetRef.dicOfNode[rlt.id_out].misc["COMMON_NAME"][0]+"["+rlt.misc["COMPARTMENT"][0]+"]" for rlt in padmetRef.dicOfRelationIn.get(reaction_id,None) if rlt.type == "consumes"] cname_products = [rlt.misc["STOICHIOMETRY"][0]+" "+padmetRef.dicOfNode[rlt.id_out].misc["COMMON_NAME"][0]+"["+rlt.misc["COMPARTMENT"][0]+"]" for rlt in padmetRef.dicOfRelationIn.get(reaction_id,None) if rlt.type == "produces"] cname_formula = " + ".join(cname_reactants)+direction+" + ".join(cname_products) except KeyError: cname_formula = "" line = [reaction_id, common_name, ec, idRef_formula, cname_formula, "add", "Added for gapfilling", ""] line = "\t".join(line)+"\n" f.write(line) else: print("%s not found in padmetRef" %reaction_id) pass
if __name__ == "__main__": main()