Source code for padmet_utils.connection.sbmlGenerator

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    The module sbmlGenerator contains functions to generate sbml files from padmet and txt
    usign the libsbml package


    usage: --padmet=FILE --output=FILE --sbml_lvl=STR [--model_id=STR] [--obj_fct=STR] [--mnx_chem_prop=FILE] [--mnx_chem_xref=FILE] [-v] --padmet=FILE --output=FILE [--init_source=STR] [-v] --compound=FILE --output=FILE [--padmetRef=FILE] [-v] --reaction=FILE --output=FILE --padmetRef=FILE [-v]
        -h --help    Show help.
        --padmet=FILE    path of the padmet file to convert into sbml
        --output=FILE    path of the sbml file to generate.
        --mnx_chem_prop=FILE    path of the MNX chemical compounds properties.
        --mnx_chem_xref=FILE    path of the mnx dict of chemical compounds id mapping.
        --reaction=FILE    path of file of reactions ids, one by line to convert to sbml.
        --compound=FILE    path of file of compounds ids, one by line to convert to sbml.
        --init_source=STR    Select the reactions of padmet to convert on sbml based on the source of the reactions, check relations rxn has_reconstructionData.
        --sbml_lvl=STR    sbml level of output. [default 3]
        --obj_fct=STR    id of the reaction objective.
        -v   print info.
from padmet.utils.connection import sbmlGenerator
import docopt

[docs]def main(): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__) output = args["--output"] obj_fct = args["--obj_fct"] mnx_chem_xref = args["--mnx_chem_xref"] mnx_chem_prop = args["--mnx_chem_prop"] sbml_lvl = args["--sbml_lvl"] model_id = args["--model_id"] verbose = args["-v"] if args["--padmet"]: padmet_file = args["--padmet"] if args["--init_source"]: init_source = args["--init_source"] sbmlGenerator.from_init_source(padmet_file, init_source, output, verbose) else: sbmlGenerator.padmet_to_sbml(padmet_file, output, model_id, obj_fct, sbml_lvl, mnx_chem_prop, mnx_chem_xref, verbose) elif args["--reaction"]: padmetRef = args["--padmetRef"] reactions = args["--reaction"] sbmlGenerator.reaction_to_sbml(reactions, output, padmetRef, verbose) elif args["--compound"]: species_compart = args["--compound"] sbmlGenerator.compound_to_sbml(species_compart, output, verbose)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()