Source code for padmet_utils.connection.padmet_to_tsv

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    convert a padmet representing a database (padmetRef) and/or a padmet representing a model (padmetSpec)
    to tsv files for askomics.

    1./ Folder creation
    given the output directory. Create this directory if required and create a folder
    padmetRef filename and/or padmetSpec filename

    2.1/ For padmetRef:

        2.1.a/ Nodes
            get all reactions nodes => extract data from misc with extract_nodes(rxn_nodes, "reaction", "../rxn.tsv")

            get all compounds nodes => extract data from misc with extract_nodes(cpd_nodes, "compounds", "../cpd.tsv")

            get all pathways nodes => extract data from misc with extract_nodes(pwy_nodes, "pathway", "../pwy.tsv")

            get all xrefs nodes => extract data from misc with extract_nodes(xref_nodes, "xref", "../xref.tsv")
        2.1.b/ Relations
            for each rxn in rxn nodes:

                get all rlt consumes/produces => create list of data with extract_rxn_cpd(rxn_cpd_rlt)
                    fieldnames = "rxn_cpd","concerns@reaction","consumes@compound","produces@compound","stoichiometry","compartment"

                get all rlt is_in_pathway => create list of data with extract_rxn_pwy(rxn_pwy_rlt)
                    fieldnames = "rxn_pwy","concerns@reaction","in_pwy@pathway"

                get all rlt has_xref => create list of data with extract_entity_xref(rxn_xref_rlt)

            for each cpd in cpd nodes:

                get all rlt has_xref => update previous list of data with extract_entity_xref(cpd_xref_rlt)
                    fieldnames = "entity_xref","concerns@reaction","concerns@compound","has_xref@xref"

    usage: --padmetSpec=FILE [--padmetRef=FILE] --output_dir=DIR [-v] --padmetRef=FILE [--padmetSpec=FILE] --output_dir=DIR [-v]
        -h --help     Show help.
        --padmetSpec=FILE    path of the padmet representing the network to convert
        --padmetRef=FILE    path of the padmet representing the database
from padmet.utils.connection import padmet_to_tsv
import docopt

[docs]def main(): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__) padmetSpec_file = args["--padmetSpec"] padmetRef_file = args["--padmetRef"] output_dir = args["--output_dir"] verbose = args["-v"] padmet_to_tsv.padmet_to_tsv(padmetSpec_file, padmetRef_file, output_dir, verbose)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()